We are happy to confirm that we will be appearing at the following conferences, events and festivals.
Lowlands Festival (Amsterdam) 16th – 18th August
Lowlands is an annual three-day music and performing arts festival, held in the Netherlands. This year’s artists range from New Order to Jorja Smith. The Digital Legacy Association are collaborating with the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences to help make those attending the festival contemplate their own mortality and digital legacy. It will take place in the scientific field from 12pm until 5pm each day. Details
South West End of life Network (Torquay) 17th October
Our flagship digital assets and digital legacy workshop and training course will be ran on the south coast. More details will be provided closer to the time.
Hospice UK Conference (Liverpool) 20th November
We will be speaking about the work we devise and deliver at Hospice UK’s annual conference in Liverpool. Details
STEP – Digital Estates: A Deep Dive into Managing Digital Assets (London) 22nd November. Details
STEP is the worldwide professional association for practitioners dealing with family inheritance and succession planning. We will deliver a presentation titled ‘Digital Asset Estate Administration: Where Do You Begin – Email and Social Media‘.

NHS Education for Scotland, (Glasgow) 12th March
We will be running a workshop and discussing digital death and digital legacy in relation to bereavement and bereavement support.
Longevity Leaders (London) 21-22 April 2020
Longevity Leaders mission is to advance innovations that will extend human health span and enable financial, physical and mental wellness in later life. Details
Digital Legacy Conference 2020 (Details TBA)
The Digital Legacy Conference is an international, not for profit conference ran by the Digital Legacy Association. The conference brings together professionals, educators, patients, researchers and those with working within relevant fields in a melting pot of creativity, science and social care. The Digital Legacy Conference celebrates innovation, best practice, research and thought leadership within digital assets, digital estates and digital legacy. Details TBA