Free Leaflets & Posters

Digital Legacy Association

It is important that members of the general public and professionals have thought about their digital assets in relation to end of life. In doing so conversations and planning can help ensure that peoples wishes are adhered to in both the real world and the digital world. This can also help reduce the likelihood of personal photos and videos being lost. Access to devices and online services can also help remove hurdles from administrative tasks like funeral planning.

All of the leaflets we develop are free to view, download and print. If your charity or not for profit organisation would like support developing information feel free to contact us directly.

Sorting out your Digital Assets and Digital Legacy Leaflet

Please find our public awareness leaflet below. We developed the content  with a number of patient, professional and general public focus groups.

The leaflet content is copyrighted however we are happy for it to be downloaded as a PDF, printed and folded by your local printer. It will cost between £110-£140 to print 1000 of these public awareness leaflets at 170gsm at your local printer. Once printed they are a really useful resource to provide for the general public and are often included in hospice welcome packs. To learn about how digital assets and digital legacy conversations should form a holistic approach to advance care planning click here. To learn about how to use the leaflet in conjunction with our digital assets and digital legacy framework click here.

Digital Legacy Leafket .Digital Legacy leaflet

To use the resource above for free in your hospice, hospital, practice or charity print the required number of copies once the leaflet has been downloaded:

Digital Assets and Digital Legacy Checklist – Poster

Our Digital Assets and Digital Legacy poster can be downloaded for free, printed and displayed to evoke thought in hospices, hospitals and in alternative spaces during charity awareness weeks.

Digital Legacy Poster


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