Today, James Norris, Founder of The Digital Legacy Association, welcomes you to the Digital Legacy Conference, which will address death, dying and bereavement in a digital world during the EAPC World Congress.
The Internet has changed many aspects of our lives. It has also changed the ways in which we view death, dying and bereavement and how we remember those close to us. This year, the 16th World Congress of the European Association of Palliative Care will welcome the Digital Legacy Conference. This annual conference addresses death and dying in today’s digital world. The conference will be free to all congress delegates and will take place on Friday 24 May in Estrel B with the reception starting from 18:15 ahead of a prompt 18:30 start.
We are currently living in a time of flux when many aspects of our lives are becoming digitised. Changes from the physical to the digital form include ways in which we communicate to ways in which we upload, store and save photos and videos (on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Dropbox).
The sentimental and monetary importance and the value that society places on their online lives also appears to be increasing year on year according to various studies (Digital Death Survey).

The Digital Legacy Conference 2019 will aim to define the role of the palliative care professional in relation to digital asset planning, online support and digital legacy. Stories from hospital and palliative care wards and from patients will be shared. Speakers will examine the media’s gaze (how the media view society and represent their view in magazines, films etc),as well as attitudes towards death.The conference will also showcase how professionals are currently supporting patients within this area, concluding with a panel discussion on ‘How to better support patients and families with digital assets and digital legacy’.
After attending the 9th EAPC World Research Congress in 2016, I was inspired by the different forms of innovation and care provided by professionals globally. At the next EAPC World Congress in Madrid we presented two posters addressing death, digital assets and digital legacy and the response from attendees helped validate the need to explore these areas further and provide support globally. Soon after EAPC 2017, we assigned professional leads within different fields and regions.We are delighted that the new Americas lead and the clinical lead will be sharing their and their patients’ experiences at EAPC during this year’s Digital Legacy Conference.

Join us at this year’s Digital Legacy Conference in Berlin. The conference is free to attend for all those who have registered for the congress. A limited amount of tickets for those unable to attend EAPC 2019 will also be made available.Links
- View the programme for this year’s Digital Legacy Conference here.
- View the video presentation of poster: ‘Hashtag #DigitalDeath – The Digital Death Survey 2017’.
- The Digital Legacy Association provides frameworks, training and best practice for professionals who address digital assets and digital legacy.
- Follow us on Twitter @DigitalLegacyCo
- Read more posts relating to EAPC2019 on the EAPC blog.