Social Media Will

Document your Digital & Social Media Will for free

The Digital Legacy Association have developed a social media will template. This is free for members of the general public to download, save and print.  Once the social media will has been completed it can be used to help ensure that your end of life and digital legacy wishes are adhered to.

The template is provided in a Microsoft Excel document (if you do not use Microsoft Excel it can also be imported and used in Google Docs or by using LibreOffice).

Once completed, the document will not be a legally binding document but instead a statement of preferences. Due to the nature of the internet and each online platforms ‘terms of service’ it is often impossible for peoples online wishes to be legally binding. It can however be provided as evidence for platforms and service providers should there be issues in the future. Making plans can also make the administrative process for loved one’s easier and ensure that important photos, videos and access to accounts are not lost. When such losses takes place after someone has died, the pain it can cause is often referred to as ‘secondary loss’ within the health and care sector.

The best person to document your online accounts is you. This is due to the changing nature of online accounts and account security. 


Social Media Will Template – File types

We have published our Social Media Will in two formats. They contain exactly the same content but the file type differs.

Social Media Will – Support

At the bottom of social media will template there are a number of links that click through up to date information about what can and cannot take place within each device or social media platform.

It is each person’s own responsibility to learn about the services and devices that they use. Once empowered the document can be completed and personal preferences adhered to.

“People should leave clear instructions about what should happen to their social media, computer games and other online accounts after their death,”  The Law Society (UK).

The importance of our online lives

Insights from our latest research...

The importance society places on being able to view the social networks of those they care about exceed’s the value they place on their own social network’s remaining active. Making plans is an altruistic behaviour with positive outcomes.

The Digital Death Report (2025)

Further support

If you require further support please feel free to contact us directly and we will try to help you with whatever problems you may have encountered.

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